We try to maintain a stock of local authors' popular books. These may include works by:

A J Banner

DD Black - Pacific Northwest Mysteries

Eva Blue - Pacific Northwest Mysteries

Kate Breslin - Historical Fiction

Megan Chance

Jonathan Evison - Literary Fiction

Rachel Fordham - Historical Fiction

Kristin Hannah - Romance

Ronald Lamont

Greg Olsen - Mystery

Garth Stein

Susan Wiggs

Are we missing someone? Let us know.

If you are a local author who would like to see your books on our shelves, we purchase books by established authors with a substantial fan base. We accept other authors' books on a 30% commission basis, but it is important to understand that merely placing your book in a bookstore is not going to bring you montetary success as an author. To encourage self-promotion that will drive book sales, we charge a $10 monthly shelving fee to each author. Contact us for further information.